Monday 1 September 2008

Language Area

My language area is almost ready. I took some photo's to show everyone. Due to limited space I only have a small section of the materials out. I plan to change the materials as the children progress.

On the top shelf [to the left] is a small wooden wall shelf that fitted our reading books perfectly. It contains the sight word boxes, basic grammar boxes and two reading series. One set is phonetic for the phonetic readers. The other set is a sight based reading series [Oxford Reading Tree]. Above the wall shelf unit is a box of context cards that goes with the Oxford Reading Tree.

To the right of the wall shelf are two paper files which contain assorted paper [Square paper, plain paper, sugar paper, card, lined paper, dotted paper...]. To the right of that are jars of stationary and beautiful beaded baskets that contain other useful stationary.

Here is a close up of the stationary section. The jars contain, pencils, rulers, pens, pencil colours, felt-tip pens, gel pens and crayons. The baskets contain glue sticks, rubbers, sharpeners, a stapler and staples, rubber bands, paper clips, pins and various other bits and bobs. I do not have a creative area, the children will have to go to the Early childhood class to get the creative materials they need to use.

Back to the first picture: On the next shelf [To the left] I have the Blue reading series, this shelf is pretty stuffed but I honestly don't have more space to put the materials. The shelf contains blue boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, blue lists, blue phrases, blue booklets and blue cards.

Below this shelf I have the capital sandpaper letters and a basket for matching small and capital letters. Next to this is the box of grammar symbols and another grammar box.

The shelf to the right has the green series materials. Many phonogram boxes, phonogram sandpaper letters, phongram lists and the small movable alphabet.

I am hoping to get throught these materials soon so that I can remove them and replace them with more advanced materials. The children I have are 5 years and are pretty much still on the Early Childhood curriculum for language.

The Orchid: A beautiful orchid that makes us smile as we work. She sits perfectly on a corner shelf where she happily watches us work.


  1. Thanks for your comment...I love your blog & have referred others to it at school...especially our elementary level :)

  2. Thank you for posting your pictures. This is so helpful! I see lots of classrooms on-line for the Primary but not Elementary!
    Your Language shelves look beautiful!

  3. aa,your blog is great-from what I've seen so far!keep it's useful for your little niece:)

    Any tips on History?resources?Umm S was mentioning something good?
    take care!ws


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