Monday 15 September 2008

Third week of school...

Today is that start of the third week of school. The journey from Early Childhood to 6-9 Montessori is slowly starting to look a lot clearer. It has been a busy and hectic few weeks! But the big change is over and I am feeling that I can now start to relax. I am more confident, knowing that I will be able to handle the change well. School went so well and smooth today as if i was running a class with little angels.

I started the day with individual meetings with each child. I discussed with them: ' What would you like to work with?' and 'What would you like to learn?'. Rose and Lion were able to make great choices and both were so eager to make sure I filled their daily plans with activities. They made Wise choices for their activities and I was very pleased and relax to know that they are REALLY starting to take charge of their own learning. Rose chose some very long activities, I knew it would be very hard for her to complete all of them today so I tried to persuade her otherwise how ever she answered ' It will be hard but I will do it, I will'. Fox however is still confused in what he wants to learn so I am slowly guiding him hoping he will soon know how to make his own choices.

I have decided to make Tuesdays and Fridays afternoon work cycle a time for science experiments. I will focus on presenting activities based on a science theme and then place them on the shelf were the children can freely choose and work with each activity. I will start with experiment on Magnetism and will post about this weeks experiments later on.

Little-N has settled well in his own class and seems to have developed a cute bond with his teacher. It is hard for both of us to be separated in the workcycle as we have always enjoyed working together and I know his learning style so well that I can tell from the look in his eye if he has understood or grasped a new concept. I hope that his teacher picks up on his desire to learn and allows his imagination to always flow.

My plan for the next few week is to take it easy, follow the children and work on that endless list of materials I need to make!!!

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad things are going well! How is your training? -gigi


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