Tuesday, 11 November 2008

A comment about comments

I was wondering today, why it is that people hardly leave comments on my blog. I do get a few every now and then usually from the same people. I know that my blog is read by many more people as my counter is going up and I can see I get readers from all over the world.
Comments really help me blog more and at times when I don't get any comments I wonder whether its worth blogging and whether people actually enjoy what I'm sharing. I love to share and I love to know what people think about my blog, activities and ideas. So please if you read my blog, leave a comment it would mean a lot to me. If you have a suggestion, an idea or even a correction to something I have written just let me know. Thank you.


  1. I find myself leaving fewer comments to blogs since I started using a blog reader. Just a thought!

    By the way, I love your ideas and appreciate your generosity!

  2. I enjoy your blog! Thank you for sharing your shawl. It looks so cozy.

    I find that I am more likely to comment on a blog when someone asks a question. Otherwise I don't necessarily think of something to say.

  3. Ahh! Don't stop blogging! I'm sorry, I'll try to be a better commenter in the future, just keep sharing :)

  4. I really admire your blog and appreciate all your effort!

  5. Like Shannon, I leave less comments since using the reader, but I often feel like you, not knowing whether anyone is enjoying the waffle I come out with or not!

  6. Thank you everyone for your comments, they really do make blogging more fun. Now i feel like blogging some more and I'll make sure I always leave comments on your blogs too.

  7. I just came to say thanks for leaving a comment on my blog & found *this* post! Yes, it is lovely to get comments, even little ones, just to know that people are enjoying what you write. Thank you for taking the time with me :) I think your blog is brilliant. Keep up the good work!

    p.s. Thanks for including me in your blogroll, too. Love it!

  8. Well I'm sure you know I read your blog. Thanks

  9. Hi! Thanks for your comments on my blog. I love your page. Question: How do you check how many visitors have come to your page?

  10. AA,Well if you get Ireland popping up on who's read your blog-I'm one of them.When I have the luxury of browsing blogs yours is always surely top of list!
    don't stop sharing!
    by the way if N grows out of the lovely knitted items you know who to give them to:)hint hint...
    take care!keep up the good work!ws

  11. found you through jojoebi...it's crazy how we all "want" comments but so often don't take the time to leave them - great reminder to us all! I've been trying to do better in recent days...some days better than others! :)

  12. Hi. I also found you through jojoebi. I stumbled on her site but you took the words right out of my mouth! I haven't had a chance to look through your site but I will!! I also fret when I don't get comments. I don't really put up any tutorials or anything of that nature....yet. So, I am reaching out to you and telling you that I look forward to browsing your world!! I'm sure it is cool! I love this whole blog world!!! Check me out and leave me a comment!!


    Take care! Alia


If you enjoy reading my blog or have a question please leave a comment.