Wednesday, 12 November 2008

How NOT to melt crayons

I've been wanting to melt crayons for quite a while, but I didn't have wax paper. So today I decided to try melting crayon sharpenings in a laminating pouch. AND... it made a terrible mess. The laminator squished all the crayon pieces out of the laminating pouch and it went all over the place. Luckily I was able to stop the laminator and get some crayons out before it got worse. I'm not sure if it will work anymore, it took 4 pieces of paper to get all the wax out of the machine and it had a strange smell. I can't believe I made such a stupid mistake. So don't try it. I'll have to find another way to melt crayon pieces without and iron and wax paper.

While I was searching I came across this blog with a beautiful crayon art piece. I would love to try it sometime.


  1. Funny, I just collected a bunch of old crayons out of T's desk yesterday so I could melt them into new crayons. She has these puzzle piece shaped bakeware that I thought would make neat crayons.

  2. Hey, a Montessorian blogging from the same country as me - it's a miracle!! Some of your ideas will shortly be making an appearance in suffolk - hope you don't mind!

  3. Yikes!
    I hope the laminator makes it.

  4. Well the laminator seems to be ok so far! Thank god it was a cheap one from tesco!

    Annicles, let me know how things go at your school and of course I wouldn't mind. It's great!

  5. I did the same thing. It worked great when I had a piece of construction paper in there also, but without the construction paper all the crayon slivers came out the top of the pouch thing. I need a new laminator now.


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