Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Finished Assignments

I have just finished all my assignments and portfolio for my Montessori Degree course. I will be handing them in tomorrow morning. Hours, days, weeks and months have gone into completing this course. Wish me luck!


  1. Super congrats! I know how much
    work it is and feel your joy. When
    I tried to share how happy I was
    to have finished my coursework after
    3 years of classes, albums, workshops and exams with people at church I got rather blank stares as alot of people have no idea what
    Montessori is nor how much work
    it is to finish a diploma! Congrats
    again and may it be for you and
    your children's benifit for generations to come...my grandkids
    are in a Montessori school now!
    (I like to take a little credit...)

  2. Looks great....it really does i wish you all the luck....hope to hear from you soon...

  3. Congratulations! I'm sure it feels lovely to have that all finished! May you get a wonderful result!

  4. Hey,great creation....:)

    Keep it up!!!



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