Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Summer Break

I'm taking a bit of a summer break from teaching. We will be moving homes in a couple of weeks and I have plenty of packing to do. The classroom is in the process of being packed and will be moved to the new flat. I'm hoping that it will work out better having the classroom in my own home rather than in my mothers. I'm excited about being able to work in the class at any time of the day, I have a long list of he materials I need to add to it. The new class will be a lot smaller, but I am hoping that I can work some magic with arranging the space so that it feels cosy instead of tight. I am also thinking of limiting the number of children that come each day to 4 [including Little-N]. I want the next school year to be easy so that I can spend more time preparing the class.

In my free time I plan to spend some quality time with Little-N, it's only now I realise that during the last school year I haven't given him half the time that I should have and I really do miss spending time with him without being in a hurry. I will be working on a few projects with him and hope to take him out more often. For myself, I hope to spend more time working on some art pieces that I would like to finish and I'd like to get back on track with exercising and healthy eating.

Thank you all for your comments on my last post. It made making a decision so much easier. I'm excited to get started on the 9-12 course!

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