Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Word Study: Suffix

Big-S was learning about the suffix. Here are a few photos of the different activities we did.
Suffix activity 1: In this activity the child is introduced to the suffix. A truck and trailer are used to demonstrate to the child that the suffix itself has no meaning but when attached to a root word has a meaning, as with the trailer that can not move unless attached to the truck.
Big-S then wrote the words in her book and thought of some other words that have a suffix.
Suffix 2: In this activity the child has a set of root words that each have a matching suffix. The child matches the word cards then writes them in their book.

Suffix 3: The child is provided with a set of root words and only one suffix. The child must find all the root words that match with the suffix.
Suffix 4: The child is provided with one root word and a set of suffix cards. The child works through the suffix cards to find out which ones can be joined to the root word.

Big-S also made a suffix chain where you join a suffix to each root word and it creates a long chain. She also used a dictionary to find other words that can be joined to a specific suffix.

There are more activities that can be done, however Big-S lost interest in this and we moved on to studying antonyms.


  1. How cute!!! I made something similiar with my 8 yo. Here's the link:

    I have to remind myself to look more at blogs like yours as you're working 6-9 Montessori as well. I don't know why I feel I'm always navigating 0-3 Montessori blogs. What other 6-9 blogs do you know of???

  2. Great post! Do you use an album in homsechooling? I want to homeschool my son but don't know which album (there are plenty online) to use on my 6 year old.

  3. hi where are these suffix and root cards from? or did you make them??

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