Sunday, 10 April 2011

Primary Colours Activity 1

As part of our art curriculum I have started to present a series of activities based on the colour wheel. Here is the first activity: using colour box 1 the children were introduced to the three primary colours. This lesson was followed by drawing a primary colour triangle and labelling the colours.

File:Mondrian <span class=

The children then looked at the art work of Piet Mondrian and produced their own pieces of art using only the primary colours.


  1. Very nice activity. Can you put the file to download it or maybe we can find it on the web?

  2. Thank you Leptir and Family and co for your comments. I did not use any files, the children drew everything themselves.

  3. Wahouu! They draw the black lines?

  4. Yes they do. With a ruler and black marker. The rule is they can't cross the lines when drawing them!

  5. I am going to do it with Litle S. I am sure he's going to enjoy it.
    Thanks a lot for sharing. It's all the time so nice.


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