After telling the great lesson, I try to present the Laws of the Universe experiments daily. I only set up a few experiments on my shelves. For the rest, the child chooses a card, gathers the materials needed and carries out the experiment following the directions.
Experiments set up and ready to explore,
The blue drawers contain additional apparatus for other experiments.
I use Montessori R&D experiments for the younger children. A sample of their experiments can be found here. I printed each experiment and statement on an individual card. Unfortunately, I can not share them on here due to copyrights.
I used the experiments from Montessori for Everyone for my older children. They can be found here.
Hello, my name is Shawn Manner and I have been an elementary Montessori directress for over 15 years. We are putting together a parent education power point program on reading and I was wondering if I could use one of your pictures in the power point. Specifically I am looking at the of the science experiment cards behind the beakers/flour (probably the command for particles that love each other and particles that don't). I have a similar set-up but it's always nice to show what other schools are doing so that parents see consistency. I look forward to hearing from you. Happy Thanksgiving!