Presentation 1:
-Three jars colour coded (white(light blue)-air, blue-water, green-land)
-Source of mud or sand
-A word card for each land water and air colour coded
Lay the materials on the tray as follows: land jar, spoon, water jar, jug and air jar.
Invite the child to work with you, introduce the activity and take it to a floor mat.
Remove the jars from the tray and place them on the mat in this order, Land, water and air.
Tell the child that the first jar (land) represents land and guide him/her to put some land in it (from the garden) using the spoon. Ask the child where we can find land on the earth.
Hold the second jar (water) and ask the child to get some water in the jug and pour in into the jar. Ask the child where we can find water on the earth.
Finally hold the third jar and ask the child to put some air in the jar. Show the child how to blow in the jar. Ask the child where we can find air on the earth.
Explain to the child that on the earth of three different things land, water and air.
Next help the child to match the word cards to the jars.
Presentation 2:
-Three jars colour coded (white(light blue)-air, blue-water, green-land)
-Source of mud or sand
-Land water and air cards
-A word card for each land water and air colour coded
Follow the same presentation as above.
Insure the picture cards are shuffled, explain to the child that ‘I have some pictures or land, water and air’.
Show the child the first picture, ask him/her ‘ Is this picture of land water or air?’. Guide him/her to place it under the corresponding jar and label.
Do the same with the other picture cards.
Presentation 3:
Materials: Land water and air picture cards
Guide the child to read and place the labels across the top of the mat, in order land, water and air.
Ask the child to look at the pictures then place the cards under the corresponding labels.
Help the child to recognize the words on the labels by using the
We did this lesson today with Sofiane and Inès. its funny you did the same. See you on Thursday.
I went to a fab conference on how to make these lessons relevant the the children being presented, because, after all, as interesting as they are, they are only a beginning. The speaker, Chris Manville (have you come accross him? He comes from your part of the country) was saying how it is too easy to only do the presentations as they are in our files and then move onto the next activity. This leaves the child with some knowldge but it hasn't really engaged them. We took his ideas and ran with them at school. Sam's class made the models for themselves in a big builders tray using soil, rocks and water and in my class we are planning on makeing a huge, permanant, waterproof model together that has every landform on it that the children can play with once they have had the initial presentation. It would be good to watch a DVD or actually go and see these landforms too!
Interesting activity!! I love the jars idea! Its good for the slightly older age group.
Tr. Izzah
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