This is the grammar chart with an explanation of the parts of speech.
These are the grammar symbol 4 part cards. The control cards are stuck together in accordion style.
This is the grammar booklet that I printed and then discovered that our school owns a ring binder machine so I'm so happy I could bind this into a real booklet.You can see the front of this in the above picture.
We don't own a set of solid grammar symbols, they aren't available in the UK except at sky high prices and buying them from abroad will cost too much postage. So I decided to make them from card, below is a picture of the noun pyramid I just made. I'll make all the other shapes except the verb and adverb symbols as I'm sure I can find balls the right colour.
Anyway the surprise is, that I am selling the files for the grammar chart, cards and booklets on eBay. You can go to the listing here . I decided that I have to do something to make some more money as our school is suffering financially and unfortunately has cut all staffs salaries including mine :(However.......
If you have shown support to my blog by leaving me 5 or more comments before this post and are interested in getting these files, leave a comment on this post and I will be more than happy to send you these files for free. This is my cheeky way of getting those who lurk to start commenting :)
I'll post more about how to use these grammar materials.
The grammar files that I posted about last week are no longer on eBay as I just found out that its against eBay policies to sell digital delievered materials. So I have move the file to my store, you can get them here.
I admit I am HUGE lurker... sorry, I love it when people comment for me too. I have no idea what I am doing but trying to do some Montessori stuff with my kiddos. THanks for all you do and for helping mom's like me (living in a foreign country) trying to help my kiddos. Your site is awesome!!!
Hi N.
You really are wonderful - & clearly don't need toooo much help with getting organised ;)
I would love a set! You know - when I got to do the Montessori program 'Journey & Discovery' I found that using these materials was something that I *really* enjoyed. One of my favourites! You're never too old to learn something from this genius method...
Congrats on the idea to start selling your materials on ebay and Good Luck!
Amber :)
they look great, I bought the symbols when I made a big order since I will be the one teaching Ebi-kun his grammar. I would love a copy if you don't mind, he obviously won't be needing them for quite some time but I can put them away with the symbols for now.
This is great N. Foam sheets are great for making the symbols for the students to use when analyzing sentences. I do love how the wooden ones feel! I would love a copy. Thank you! Gigi
i cannot belive what u r is the most is is...can't describe others sure i do want from it....
There is a Super Award waiting for you at my blog. Come check it out when you have a chance:
I also lurk from afar. Being a Montessori teacher for more years than I care to tell, I am always looking for new, or old ideas to rejuvenate the classroom. Keep up the great work.
Groovey Grammar set.
Are you offering the entire
set for download? I can
put a blurb on my blog. My
next post will be about
making your own grammar cards...
so these would be perfect.
If you want to visit, I am
Could you tell me if you know if your montessori cards include pretty much what montessori stores sell as their cards? I don't care so much about the grammar boxes, I'll organize my own way, but I don't want to spend almost $300 just for the cards. Thanks for your help, I'm so glad I found your blog!
are your grammar cards still available? I just bought them on Lulu but I can't figure out how to download!
Mountain teacher, the grammar cards are still available on Lulu. If you bought them you should be able to download them from your account. I believe there is a tab which says my downloads. I hope you find it and are able to download it. If not, email me and I can send it to you directly.
I am a big lurker too. I love the way that you have laid everything out. I am homeschooling my cherubs using montessori philosophy. Being on a single income I'm alsways looking for new and inspiring ways to create montessori materials for a fraction of the price. Keep up the inspiration.
I would love to get this file!!! I tried the link to your store but it says it is no longer available... Are you selling it from another site now??? I am not a lurker, lol! But I just found your blog and spoke up! It looks great and I am preparing myself to dive into grammar with the kiddo's!!!
Hi Julienne, You can purchase the files from here
Thank you!
I just chanced to read your blog while searching for grammar materials.I teach in lower elementary (montessori) and I would love to have a set to use with my kids.
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