I decided that it would be too expensive to buy the Montessori Pin maps and I could better spend the money on something un-makeable. So I made my own. I noticed a few other blogs that had home made pin maps, but not exactly what I wanted. I spent a long time making these files that include flags, countries and cities for each continent [except Antarctica]. You can make your own or take the easier route and
buy them from here. It takes a very long time to cut everything out and put all the pins in, but its well worth it. Little-N said that these maps are much better than the wooden ones he used to use. I think it's something to do with the colour coded pins.
BRILLIANT idea! My pin maps are so scratched and horrible - this way they won't scratch, and can easily be replaced if too many holes appear!
Thank you Lindart, I'm amazed at how fast you commented. Now that I made them I think I prefer them to the wooden ones. The ones we had at my last school got all scratched like you said and after a while the children went off using them. Hopefully these will last longer.
Your material are amazing. I would be happy if you share with me. These material are so expensive.
Hi there! Can you please advise, does your file include the map/s, and which ones, please? And the pins - you've used (eg) red-headed ones for (eg) Europe? What an awesome idea (and so simple, but, um, I don't think I would have thought of that!). These look great :)
This is great! I am definitely buying this as soon as I get close to presenting this lesson!
Thank you for doing all of the hard work.
The files do not include the maps but it tells you where to download them from for free. The link has many blank maps and the children can use any good atlas as a guide. I spent along time looking for suitable maps. The files do contain a control chart for the flags. The pins and cork board are not included. What you will get is 3 pages for each continent: a page for each, flag control chart, flags to cut out and countries and cities to cut out. Thanks
Fantastic idea!
An award awaits you at http://traininghappyhearts.blogspot.com/2010/08/award-and-giveaway.html
They look great!!! How did you make them? I love your creativity! Thank you for sharing!
Hello. I am new to your blog, it seems wonderful. I was looking for your pin map flags, but the link is no longer available. Are you still selling these?
Thank you
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